Two Renaissance MPs join Horizons


MPs Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq and Xavier Roseren joined, this Monday, September 9, lThe Horizons group then decided to leave Renaissance, BFMTV learned.

New defections. MPs Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq and Xavier Roseren joined the Horizons parliamentary group in the National Assembly on Monday, September 9, leaving Renaissance, BFMTV learned.

The first released a statement on the social network X, emphasizing that it had made this choice in the context of a “change of method” requested by the French during the legislative elections. Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq said she had observed “in-depth work” by Horizons on issues that are close to her heart, such as “social justice”, the “promotion of work” and the “fight against inequalities of fate”.

The MP also indicated that she wanted to participate in this work, particularly on “social issues” which are “dear to her as a MP and departmental councillor for the North”.

“This choice is also that of a bond of trust with Édouard Philippe, trust that he himself showed me by entrusting me with several parliamentary missions on health at work and by giving me his support during the last departmental and legislative elections”, the parliamentarian wrote before adding: “This trust is reciprocal, I know his honesty and his clarity, as well as his ability to set the right course.”

From previous departures

This is not the first time that Horizons has managed to poach Renaissance elected officials. Last February, MPs Bertrand Bouyx and Pierre Henriet announced their departure from the presidential party to join that of Édouard Philippe.

The first, a member of parliament for Calvados in Normandy, was close to the mayor of Le Havre, Édouard Philippe, while the second, a member of parliament for Vendée, was close to Christelle Morançais, the current president of the Pays de la Loire regional council, who joined the former Prime Minister’s party.

Face to Face: Édouard Philippe – 06/17

On X, several Horizons deputies, such as Loic Kervran and Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, congratulated Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq and Xavier Roseren on their arrival within their political group.

Former Prime Minister and President of Horizons Édouard Philippe will be Benjamin Duhamel’s guest in Everyone wants to know on BFMTV Wednesday September 11.

Clement Boutin BFMTV journalist


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