A tax adjustment up to 20 million euros requested at the World 2023 World

A tax adjustment up to 20 million euros requested at the World 2023 World

The Economic Interest Group (GIE) in charge of the organization of the 2023 World Cup, 55% owned by the French Federation, was noted a tax recovery and important penalties.

The Economic Interest Group (GIE) in charge of the organization of the 2023 Rugby World Cup has been noted a tax recovery and penalties of 20.7 million euros, announced the president of the French Rugby Federation Florian Grill to AFP, confirming information from the newspaper The team.

The tax administration reproaches GIE a bad application of VAT on tickets ticket+travel or ticket+hospitalities revealed the sports newspaper on Tuesday. The GIE considers that VAT must be 5.5%, the rate of a match ticket, while the administration estimates that the rate that should apply is the basic rate, 20%. The invoice, recovery and penalty included, amounts to 20.7 million euros.

The FFR hugs the belt

The GIE is 55% owned by the French rugby federation and 45% by the organization of the 2023 World Cup, but also the FFR, is one of the shareholders. The consequences would be heavy for the French rugby federation, which tightens the belt and suffers from a chronic exploitation deficit. She revealed a loss of 13 million euros in her offbeat exercise of the 2023-2024 season, in particular by integrating into her accounts the loss of 16.3 million euros due to the deficit linked to the economic group of the Mondial 2023.

«We save 18 million euros on a budget of 130 by asking everyone to make efforts, we find new partners” more “You can’t climb the north face of Everest with pebbles in the back“Imaged Florian Grill to AFP. “”If we were to settle this sum, we would be in cessation of payment“, He also assured. An interdepartmental meeting, in which members of the federation participate, must be held on Wednesday, he explained.

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