Gérald Darmanin calls to “listen to the Socialist Party” after his “courageous” refusal to censor the government more

Gérald Darmanin calls to “listen to the Socialist Party” after his “courageous” refusal to censor the government more

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“It’s courageous.” The Minister of Justice, Gérald Darmanin, praised, on Tuesday, February 4, the choice of the Socialist Party not to censor the government after the appeal of François Bayrou at 49.3 to have the state budget adopted without vote and a part of that of social security. “The Socialist Party has broken an agreement with rebellious France, this is what we expected from him for some time”rejoiced the Keeper of the Seals, on the set of “C à vous”, on France 5. “We have to listen to the Socialist Party more”he said. “What we say is ‘yes’ to a budget for the French, but ‘no’ to this government”however warned the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, Tuesday morning.

Emmanuel Macron “congratulates” himself with the upcoming adoption of the budget. “There is a budgetary debate. The government and the Parliament are coming to an end and I welcome it. The country needs stability. We must not go back”reacted Emmanuel Macron, On the sidelines of a trip to the center for the fight against cancer Gustave-Roussy, in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne).

Uncertainty must be avoided “Estimate Jordan Bardella. The president of the national rally is not favorable to his party voting for censorship of the Bayrou government. “This is the dilemma with which all political parties are confronted today: is it better a bad budget or no budget at all?”noted Jordan Bardella, guest Tuesday morning from Europe 1 and CNews.“The French (…) would not take advantage of a new form of instability, which could have heavier consequences for the economy than the previous censorship in December”he said.

The CFDT judges “urgent to set up” Le Budget. “Stability is a good thing, and a budget too, even if it certainly does not meet expectations and ambitions”estimated Marylise Léon, secretary general of the CFDT, guest of Franceinfo on Tuesday. “Socially, it is a budget that is unfair, which has no ecological ambition and that is a problem”she denounced. But “It is urgent to put it in place”.

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