“Koh-Lanta, the revenge of the 4 lands”: the full cast unveiled, here are the 24 candidates including a very high level athlete

An athlete who almost was at the Olympic Games!
In the Eastern team are included Christian (63 years old and dean of this edition! – Broccantor), Benoît (24 years old – high -level perchist who missed the 2024 Olympics because of an injury), Louise (24 years old – eco -mail in a national park in Isère), Maxime (39 years old – Communication manager at the French Fisheries Federation), Gaëlle (34 years old – CrossFit follower) and Celine (39 years old – commercial in sport).
We continue the presentations with the Western team Jerome (52 years old – former soldier), Noémie (32 years old – Business head and former high -level sportswoman in sail), Maël(27 years old – pastry chef in Finistère), Cynthiana (32 years old – real estate agent in Montauban), Mehdi (27 years old-heavy goods vehicle driver and firefighter in Lot-et-Garonne, he does 13 rugby at a high level), Roman (20 years old – Sports coach).
Finally, in the South team, we find Naive (25 years old – educator specializing in child protection), Jessica (38 years old-Patron of a restaurant in the Bouches-du-Rhône). Pierre-Marie (39 years old – business manager), Pauline (39 years old-lifeguard in Corse-du-Sud), Adrien (23 years old – engineer) and finally Jerome (43 years old-Building painter in the Pyrénées-Orientales).