“Bodies on the ground”, “there was blood everywhere”, “it was chaos”: in Örebro, the inhabitants in shock after the worst mass killing in Sweden

“Bodies on the ground”, “there was blood everywhere”, “it was chaos”: in Örebro, the inhabitants in shock after the worst mass killing in Sweden

A dozen deaths after a shooting in a school in Sweden: “Students came to tell us that someone was shooting” (photos+video)

“There were blood everywhere, people panicked and cried, parents were worried … It was chaos,” she said, her voice trembling.

“These kinds of things are not going here. We saw it on TV, in the United States, but we never thought that such a thing could happen in Sweden, especially in Örebro,” says Linn, who has several Friends in Entréeskolan, the neighboring school of the teaching center for young adults.

Swedish Education Minister Johan Pehrson lights a candle at a makeshift vigi in Orebro, Sweden, on February 4, 2025 after a shooting at the adult education center Campus Risbergska school, where Swedish Education Minister Johan Pehrson lights a candle at a makeshift vigi in Orebro, Sweden, on February 4, 2025 after a shooting at the adult education center Campus Risbergska school, where
©AFP or licensors

Around the perimeter blocked by the police, parents await the green light from the police to be able to recover their children. Anxious, eyes riveted on their phone.

A father comes out, the quick step, his two children each wrapped in a pink down jacket. “I am too stressed to answer questions,” he said to AFP by crossing the street.

Completely crazy

Cia Sandell, 42, cannot hold back his rage. “It’s crazy. Completely crazy. I’m angry, I’m shocked […] The school must be a safe place, it should not happen, “she is indignant.

Asked about her son, she was relieved.

People light candles at a makeshift vigil in Orebro, Sweden, on February 4, 2025 after a shooting at the adult education center Campus Risbergska school, where People light candles at a makeshift vigil in Orebro, Sweden, on February 4, 2025 after a shooting at the adult education center Campus Risbergska school, where
©AFP or licensors

“He is fine and all those who are in his school too. For that, I am grateful,” says this entrepreneur.

All the inhabitants encountered by AFP are immersed in perplexity: how has their city, so peaceful, could live such a thing?

A few streets from the place of the drama, the Haga church opened its doors for residents, those who need to speak, find support, or simply to drink a coffee, warm, accompanied by a cake in the rolled cinnamon.

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Anna Lena Evehäll, pasteur, has received several relatives since noon.

“They are very upset and worried, because some have tried to call their loved ones, but they did not answer,” she explains. “They couldn’t find them.”

Many people can’t even sit when they get into the church, she says. “They just walk because they are so worried.”

The establishment will keep its doors open in the coming days, with the support of the municipality and social services.

This massacre will remain in the memory of the residents of Örebro for a long time.

“It’s hard, and it will remain engraved” in me, let go Linn, the teenager who saw the bodies. “No one should have to live this fear, locked in a classroom, without knowing if his friends are injured or even alive.”

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