Meningitis: a dead man and around forty contacts in Ille-et-Vilaine
High fever, intense and persistent headaches, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting, or embarrassed in bright light
: Here are some of the symptoms of meningococcal meningitis. An infection with high epidemic potential with a mortality rate of 10 %, hence its close surveillance. In Ille-et-Vilaine, a cluster has been mobilizing the health authorities since January 31, according to our information, confirming those of Ouest-France.
Since that date, “ARS Brittany has managed a situation of meningococcus B, in Rennes and Chantepie, in a family, in a family, in Rennes and Chantepie this Tuesday evening. The death of a patient is to be deplored – she would be 18 years old, according to Ouest -France. “To date, two patients are still hospitalized at the Rennes University Hospital with improvement. Another patient is still under surveillance.
Forty contact cases detected
An epidemiological survey has also been conducted to identify the contact cases likely to have been contaminated and offer them a preventive antibiotic treatment. “Forty people identified as contacts have benefited,” continues the Regional Health Agency.
“Meningococci are bacteria that can cause very serious illnesses such as meningitis or septicemia,” explains the Ministry of Health on its website. They are transmitted by air or saliva and their transmission “requires close and prolonged contact”. Naturally present in humans, these bacteria do not lead to particular diseases most often. But when they infect the liquid and the membranes surrounding the brain, they can cause rapid degradation of the state of health. Hence this instruction of health authorities: in the event of symptoms, consult a doctor in an emergency or call the 15th.
* Complete list of symptoms according to ARS: high fever, intense and persistent headaches, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting, or embarrassment in bright light, confusion, drowsiness, appearance of red or purplish task on The skin, muscle and joint pain.