Beer: resentment and silence behind the death of a son

ThoseMortal beer
The wall of the resentment and the silence behind the death of a son
A neighborhood conflict in Kosovo with a derisory pace seems to explain that an uncle has fatally wounded his nephew. Seven years in prison are required.
While he had come to beer to attack his uncle in December 2022, a 28 -year -old young man lost his life due to a fatal replica using a Swiss knife.
Odile Meylan /Tamedia
- A family conflict of harmless appearance around the wall separating the house of two cousins in Kosovo rebounded in the canton of Vaud in 2022, with altercations between the two camps which led to the death of a young man with beer.
- Warned of murder for having killed his nephew during a fight where he said he defended himself without remembering the facts, his uncle was tried on Tuesday by the Nyon district court.
- Despite several testimonies, the gray areas remain numerous after a day when the language barrier did not facilitate the lighting of the circumstances of this family drama.
Mutism, mystery and a wall. Three elements that really do not allow you to see clearly as to the reasons that led A young 28 -year -old Kosovar to travel to beer to attack his uncle and finally lose his life on December 18, 2022.
Indeed, the president of the district court of the coast, Daniel Stoll, may have asked for and still asked each witness, nobody seems to know why this son, brother, cousin and friend found himself this evening- There hidden in a bush of the Vaudois village, armed with an American fist, a taser and a tool handle.
It is not known any more at what time of the assault of his uncle, the latter took out his Swiss knife to gather a fatal blow, the accused having since lost his memory. The 57 -year -old man, handcuffed with wrists and ankles, has no more memories than words to defend himself, as if he were absent from his own trial.
Affected too, when he briefly takes the floor to say that he feels “very bad since”, addressing the translator rather than in the eyes of the grieving family, before asking for forgiveness many hours later.
Conflict on the ridiculous motif
The two camps meet on a point that seems derisory: the wall that separated the plots from their families in Kosovo. The defendant went up there one day to cut his vineyard, his cousin (Editor’s note: the father of the deceased and owner of the stones) Intifying him the order to descend, receiving in return the jet of a pruning sheer bordering on his face.
“But how can you go from a pebble problem to a blade in a body?” thunders the president. At the helm, the declarations of each other go around in circles, fail to shed light on the level of tension between the two antagonistic clans, no other convincing example that this story of a wall being advanced. “My husband is a teacher, my son was brilliant, both were educated, unlike the accused. This explains a lot of jealousy, “slips the mother of the victim who says he is” ravaged by his mourning “.
The presence of a rather bulky knife in order to “cut apples” was central in the pleading of the lawyer for the deceased family, who argues that the accused expected the assault presented as “surprise” according to his statements and the police investigation.
She and several friends evoke her memory by describing “the nicest person who is”, despite altercations recorded by the police, a complaint for death threat and the assault having led to his death. What to lose his Latin there, especially as the language barrier which is expressed in the hearing hall of Nyon is revealed at the height of the litigious wall, the opportunity to underline the extent of the task of the Translator.
A life between Kosovo and Vaud
The question of revenge is mentioned several times. Is this the reason? Mystery. Is it present in the heads and will she express himself beyond the judgment and the sentence of the accused locked in Orbe since her fatal gesture in 2022? “By killing my son, he also killed his, who was forced to flee from our village,” for fear of reprisals, let go of the father.
Right “like an I”, gray hair in her black suit, recalling in passing the brilliant course of his child, whether it be studies or football in Lausanne, he assures that “we trust Swiss justice and will respect his decision after fifty-five years of presence without the slightest problem here. ”
The reconstruction of the fatal evening of December 18, 2022 did not make it possible to define with certainty if the course of the facts corresponds to the ambush advanced by the accused or if the latter expected it, as suggested by the lawyer for The family.
Therefore, is the uncle really a murderer when an ambush was waiting for him on his return from Morges? Can we invoke self-defense and potentially the release of prison, an inaudible argument for the family and excluded by the accusation-due to the violence of the response-but supported by the defense, which refers each party to stick to the facts revealed by the investigation and very unfavorable to the deceased?
For the family’s lawyer, it is quite the opposite, mainly because of the large Swiss knife that the entourage of the accused ensures that he has never seen. “He expected to be attacked and prepared for it, that’s the truth, according to Me Tiese. It was technically impossible to open the blade of this model with a hand as a reflex ”.
If death sealed the young man’s fate this winter Sunday, that of his elder – against whom the procurement Annick Tavares claimed a sentence of 7 years in prison and the expulsion of the territory – will be fixed on Thursday, after a hearing Who especially put their finger on a wall: that of silence.
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