“A dozen” people killed in a school in Sweden, the worst shooting in the history of the country

“A dozen” people killed in a school in Sweden, the worst shooting in the history of the country

“A dozen people are dead today,” said Roberto Eid Forest, Örebro police chief during a press conference. “The author is not known to the police, he has no connection with any gang, we believe that there will be no other attacks,” he added, not be able to specify the number of injured.

A virgin locker

According to the TV4 television channel, the alleged killer was 35 years old and the police searched his home in Örebro at the end of the day. He had a port of weapon and a virgin criminal record, adds the chain.

A L'-Öclue Games Games winger Ia amible, which disflue, 4shod, or 02atiean. 1426 Nackstrain / APP

A L’-Öclue Games Games winger Ia amible, which disflue, 4shod, or 02atiean. 1426 Nackstrain / APP

One of the teachers said he was in the establishment when he heard the shots. “I heard shots, so I barricaded myself and I’m waiting for news. We have triggered an alarm in the security application and I communicate with my colleagues, ”testified Petter Kraftling with the website of the Syndicat des Teachers Swedish VI Lärare.

Students in the teaching center and neighboring schools were confined for several hours before being gradually evacuated, police said.

Several incidents in recent years

Until now, schools have been relatively spared by violence in Sweden, which has known in recent years shooters and explosions of craft vehicles, who kill dozens of people each year.

Several serious incidents have taken place in schools in recent years. In March 2022, an 18 -year -old pupil stabbed two teachers in a high school in the city of Malmö in the south of the country. Two months earlier, a 16 -year -old was arrested after having injured another student and a teacher with a knife in a school in the small town of Kristianstad. In October 2015, three people were killed during a racist attack in a school in the city of Trollhattan, in the west of the country, by an assailant armed with a saber, which was then killed by the police .

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