He dies ejected from his vehicle by fleeing the police

He dies ejected from his vehicle by fleeing the police

A 25 -year -old young man who would have been the source of a police pursuit on highway 50, Tuesday morning in the Laurentians, died after provoking a frontal collision shortly after, in Blainville.

The exact circumstances of this violent accident remained under investigation Tuesday beforenoon.

According to our information, the young suspect has refused to stop at the request of the Patrouilleurs de la Sûreté du Québec while he was traveling on Highway 50.

The driver, who would be struggling with mental health problems, would have continued on his way, circulating at very high speed.

He would then have found himself on Route 117-which also bears the name of Boulevard Curé-Labelle-on the territory of Blainville, where he would have caused a frontal collision with another van.

A third vehicle was involved in the accident.

According to our information, the young man was ejected from his vehicle and died on the scene.

However, the state of the other occupants of the vehicles involved.

For the sake of transparency, the investigation was entrusted to the Independent Investigation Office (BEI).

Five BEI investigators were responsible for shedding light on this event.

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