The RN should not vote for censorship of the Bayrou government; The PS will file a third motion, “spontaneous”, next week

Gabriel Attal believes before the National Assembly having made “difficult and unpopular decisions” in Matignon to face the skid of public finances
Former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal assured Tuesday before the National Assembly to have understood “The importance of a rigorous line of conduct in budgetary matters” and took “Difficult and unpopular decisions” When he was in Matignon to curb the budget skid.
“We have decided with my government, as early as January, important measures”, said the former head of government, heard by the deputies within the framework of a commission of inquiry in the National Assembly on the drift of public accounts, citing for example the recovery of the electricity tax, the doubling Medical deductibles, unemployment insurance reform.
“We took into account the alerts [sur la dégradation des finances publiques]made strong decisions despite numerous criticisms, adjusted our growth forecast, our deficit objectives, launched budgetary savings of 20 billion euros during the year and finally launched a budget with 15 billion euros in savings additional for 2023 “, recalled Mr. Attal, now the leader of macronist deputies together for the Republic (EPR, ex-Renaissance).
Recalling that the state had Canceled 10 billion euros in budgetary credits, by decree, when he was head of government, Mr. Attal argued that the state deficit had dropped by 10 % between 2023 and 2024. “ I have no example of government, in our recent history, which had assumed and achieved as many savings only one month after its appointment, and by decree ”he added, defending the “Consciousness of [son] Government of the severity of the situation and the magnitude of the decisions to be made. ”