No censorship: a budget for France, a point for François Bayrou

No censorship: a budget for France, a point for François Bayrou

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He will be able to blow a little. François Bayrou, Prime Minister for fifty-three days, will succeed in his double budget pass exam on Wednesday before the National Assembly: that of the state budget and that of the social security budget. After having activated twice, Monday, the procedure of article 49.3 of the Constitution (a text is adopted without a vote unless the government is overthrown), it will not fall under the blows of the two motions of censorship filed by the deputies of rebellious France and which will also vote communists and environmentalists. But not the 66 socialist deputies.

Michel Barnier, predecessor of François Bayrou, had not had this chance: by 331 votes (the absolute majority in the National Assembly is at 289), his government had been overthrown on December 4, which had not happened in France since… 1962. The National Rally of Marine Le Pen had joined the whole left to condemn him. However, it was with Marine Le Pen that Michel Barnier had chosen to negotiate, yielding on some of the RN’s “red lines”. Marine Le Pen had not been grateful to him.

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