Trump attacks Taylor Swift: News
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Trump attacks Taylor Swift: News

While the singer announced her support for Kamala Harris in the US presidential race, the Republican candidate attacked the pop star on his social network, Truth Social.

“I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT !”. This clear message, written in capital letters, is addressed to Taylor Swift herself. Despite her immense international popularity and her “fan base” across the Atlantic, the 34-year-old singer does not seem to have won over Donald Trump. The Republican candidate for the White House posted this message on his social network, Truth, this Sunday, September 15.

A disapproval from the artist that can be explained by the recent announcement of her support for Kamala Harris, in the race for the American presidential election. On the night of Tuesday, September 10, a few minutes after the debate between the two candidates, Taylor Swift announced her support for Kamala Harris. Since then, Donald Trump has declared that he no longer wants to debate with his opponent between now and November 5, the date of the election.

Taylor Swift’s influence on voting

With nearly 284 million followers on Instagram, Taylor Swift has an important role to play in getting Americans involved in the presidential election. While not all of her followers are from the United States, the vast majority are and closely follow the actions of their beloved star. Thus, the fact that the singer supports one candidate rather than another can have a multifactorial impact on the vote on November 5 (turnout rate, vote in favor of Harris, vote of the youngest, etc.)

It should be noted that this is not the first time that a public figure has supported a candidate in the election and claimed it. Singers Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Cardi B, and Pink have already announced their support for Kamala Harris.

published on September 15 at 6:52 p.m., Allan Doisneau, 6Medias



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