Jacques Dutronc “affected” by the death of Françoise Hardy: his son Thomas gives news of him
DayFR Euro

Jacques Dutronc “affected” by the death of Françoise Hardy: his son Thomas gives news of him

It is to Thomas Dutronc that we must ask for news. On the occasion of the promotion of his latest album It’s never too late, released last May, the singer confided to Figaro see his father”once or twice a week”. Aged 81, the singer of the titles The Cactus, And Me, And Me, And Me et Les Plays Boys encounters some health concerns: “He doesn’t move around much when it’s hot, it’s bad for his heart.” “Otherwise, he’s fine,” reassures his son.

Asked about the impact of the death of Françoise Hardy, his great love, on June 11, Thomas Dutronc confesses: “I think he is affectedbut he doesn’t show it at all. I understand that, I’m the same way.”Out of modesty, the two men avoid speaking.of the elephant in the room”when they see each other “or from time to time, to say: ‘What are we going to do with Mom’s ashes?'” Even if “the emotion is buried, but it can suddenly resurface,” It’s easier for them not to talk about it.

The latest heartbreaking messages between Thomas Dutronc and Françoise Hardy

Thomas Dutronc polished his latest album alongside his mother. Despite the hearing problems she had “the last times”, he confided to Le Parisien that he had “especially wanting to finish a beautiful record for her. I know she would have liked some songs.” He then remembers their last text messages.

“One evening in Châtellerault, after a concert, she sent me her last text message around 1am, three weeks before her death: ‘I love you more than anything’. I replied: ‘Me too, my dear mum’ and I sent her photos of me as a baby with her, he remembers. Then I got another message: ‘I’m dying’. I was panicking at the thought of not seeing her again, that she would die in the night. Afterwards, she recovered and I had time to say goodbye properly. I told her several times that she didn’t have to worry about me, that I loved her.”


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