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Entheos’ Chaney Crabb shares her 5 favorite albums of 2024

Chaney Crabb, singer of the group Entheos, revealed to MetalSucks her list of albums that had the most impact on her in 2024. Her choices include varied works, but it is her admiration for the album Slut Pop Miami by Kim Petras which particularly surprised Metal fans.

Chaney Crabb’s favorite albums in 2024

JB Dunckel – Paranormal Musicality

This album composed entirely on the piano accompanied Chaney throughout the winter days. JB Dunckel, half of the group AIR, delivers here a minimalist, but deeply emotional work.

Kim Petras – Slut Pop Miami

This choice is surprising, coming from a metal artist. Chaney explains: “One summer evening, alone at home, I came across the Rim Job music video. I was instantly won over. This album, a perfect blend of danceable hits, bold lyrics and catchy synth lines, has become my summer soundtrack. I listened to it almost every day, especially before going on stage, and I even introduced it to my friends and my band.”

Marilyn Manson – One Assassination Under God – Chapter One

A strong comeback for Manson, according to Chaney, who was impressed by the clarity of the production and the artist’s vocal power.

Chelsea Wolfe – She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She

This album explores the dark landscapes of electronica, blending pain and splendor in captivating harmony.


The Cure – Songs of A Lost World

Despite limited familiarity with the group, Chaney was deeply touched by this introspective album about death, which she describes as a dark but beautiful look at life.

Also read: Metalcore meets electronic: While She Sleeps covers The Chemical Brothers

A busy year

Additionally, Entheos released their latest EP, An End to Everythingon October 25, 2024. This was well received for its bold and sharp blend of Death Metal and progressive music, and is a worthy follow-up to the album Time Will Take Us Allpublished in 2023.


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