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Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large families) asked to pay compensation for her former accommodation, she contests

Today at 12:10 – by
Sorelle Spet

Monday June 24, on Instagram, Ludovica Tuzzoli shared the problems she has encountered since she left her apartment infested with pests.

The episode of Large families: life in XXL of June 20 brought back terrible memories for the Tuzzoli. And for good reason, a year ago, Grégory and his wife thought they were moving into the ideal cocoon for their blended tribe. However, the dream quickly turned into a nightmare when the young parents discovered that their apartment was infested with bedbugs and pests of all kinds. On her Instagram account, the mother reacted: “You should know that we have never experienced these critters in our lives. Given the number of bites I had, I would have noticed. To escape the critters, we had to flee the home because the entire building was infested. We had to leave and reinvest in all the furniture. In the next episodes, you will see the nightmare we lived through, it was horrible! The worst thing that could have happened to us!

Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large families) talks about the many problems with his former home

While the broadcast of his misadventure should continue on TF1, Ludovica Tuzzoli traced the thread of this affair, Monday June 24, on Instagram. “Our nightmare began in this social housing. An installation full of enthusiasm, the joy of having a large home. […] In place, [on a eu] a home with thousands of defects, hidden under so-called work!“, she said. Before listing the many problems encountered: “The installation of light fixtures which short-circuited, the blocked pipes for meters, cockroaches, bedbugs, non-standard staircases and so on…

Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large families), asked to pay compensation for her former accommodation, contests

By writing this message on Instagram, Ludovica took care to provide several proofs, by publishing photos and videos which attest to her statements. The young woman then said: “Our lessor […] and other employees […] didn’t want to do anything, not even rehouse us or make a move on the rent we paid. […] Today, they are taking the liberty of asking us for 2,700 euros for damage.“Scandalized by this request, Grégory’s wife did not hesitate to denounce the questionable actions of which she was the victim:”They made me leave through harassment and intimidation from my grandmother, who is a tenant with them and who was housing me because they did not want to rehouse me. There you go, you know almost everything [de] our nightmare in this accommodation which has been re-rented [peu de temps] after we left.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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