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Cyril Hanouna titillated by…

After the end of the TPMP season, Cyril Hanouna returned to the radio for political news. This June 19, a listener teased the host about the history of the yacht.

The season of “Touche pas à mon poste” ended on June 13, marking the return of Cyril Hanouna to Europe 1 after 8 years to cover political news.

Cyril Hanouna was the target of a joke on his yacht by a speaker named Bryan Victor during a program on Europe 1, causing a moment of laughter live.

An investigation by “Complément d’Enquête” revealed in November 2023 the possession by Cyril Hanouna of 4 Lamborghini yachts, a story which had already created a buzz.

The season of Do not touch My TV ended last Thursday, June 13. A dilemma for Cyril Hanouna and its columnists who would surely have wanted to make the show gravitate around political unrest current. Despite everything, a solution was found: free up two hours of daily radio airtime over 2 weeks. During this time, the host of C8 so comes back on Europe 1 to devote oneself to political news.

A return to the station after 8 years. “Something a little too much for me“, he explained on Twitter at the time. Since Monday June 17, Cyril Hanouna has been at the head of the late afternoon daily with “of the Political Views“.

Cyril Hanouna: the story of his yacht comes back live!

This Wednesday, June 19, Cyril Hanouna received a valve coming from a speaker on Europe 1. It was a certain Bryan Victor. A name that did not leave the host unmoved. “Bryan, it’s Bryan Adams“, joked Cyril Hanouna, continuing with: “Everything I do, I do it for you“. Except that the one who called himself bilingual on the air did not see the hilarious repartee of the famous Bryan Victor coming.

Feeling good and above all in the mood, this speaker responded to Cyril Hanouna: “Yes I know, I see TPMP at the moment“. That before joking: “Valérie often takes you back like Géraldine Maillet takes you back on the yacht“. Sensitive subject? Cyril Hanouna directly reacted to the floodgates by responding: “Hey oh, we hang up right away“. Moment of laughter live.

Cyril Hanouna: the story of his 4th yacht

As a reminder, this story made the buzz in 2023. Indeed, on November 30, Additional Investigation had gravitated around luxurious life by Cyril Hanouna. At the center of the investigation was a Lamborghini yacht a value of 3 million euros. This beast on the Côte d’Azur was “its third boat of this type in 6 years“, revealed the investigation.

Quickly after the release of this investigation, Cyril Hanouna wanted to talk about it on his show Do not touch My TVon C8. An occasion on which he admitted to having 4 yachts and not 3.


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