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Michel Cymes does not close the door to a return of the France 3 series, The doc and the vet (VIDEO)

Guest on RTL a few days after the successful broadcast of the last episode of The doc and the vetMichel Cymes revealed that France 3 was considering playing extra time for the series.

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Good news for fans of The doc and the vet. This Tuesday, June 11, France 3 broadcast what was supposed to be the final episode of this mini-series launched in 2021 and carried by the duo Dounia Coesens and Michel Cymes. Farewells which were full of viewers. In fact, no less than 4.2 million people were in front of their television sets to watch this epilogue entitled “The Black Feather”, or 21.1% audience share. A success such that the channel could decide to resurrect the fiction. In any case, this is what Michel Cymes revealed during his appearance on the show We’re doing TV again which will be broadcast this Saturday June 15 from 11:30 a.m. on RTL.

The doc and the vet, will there be a sequel? The revelations of Michel Cymes

“I’m not sure if this is the last episode that has passed,” entrusted Michel Cymes to Éric Dussart, in the extract that Tele-Leisure invites you to discover in preview. Stating that he did not have “no scoop” to be announced and nothing had yet been decided, the retired doctor revealed that the channel was considering making an additional episode. “I was called yesterday saying ‘We ask ourselves the question…’. I’m not in the decision-making bodies, I just know that we had to stop there, but that given the success of the episode, it’s not impossible that we do another one.”

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After The doc and the vet, this mysterious fiction that Michel Cymes is preparing

“We still have things to tell,” assures anyone who has an idea of ​​the reason for the success of this series: “It works well because it’s rural, it’s calm, there’s no murder… And the landscapes are absolutely sublime where we’re filming, in Auvergne”. That The doc and the vet comes back or not, Michel Cymes does not intend to turn the page on comedy. “I have another (fiction) project which is in the works, in which my CAP in cooking, if I have it, will be useful to me”, confided the former host of Health Magazine. A project which is currently in the writing phase, he clarified. The filming of this mysterious fiction would take place, “maybe at the start of the school year”.


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