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Tomorrow belongs to us: Samy Gharbi says (a little) more about the rest of the plot – News Series on TV

While the police investigate a mysterious drug deal, Karim will have to choose between his job and protecting his nephew in Tomorrow Belongs to Us. Samy Gharbi says more about this intrigue which promises to shake up the Saeed family.

The Saeed family is about to go through a turbulent period to say the least in Tomorrow Belongs to Us.

It must be said that Rayane (Sasha Birdy) finds herself at the heart of a mysterious drug trade and is forced to sell the famous “boosters” in order to recover a letter from her late father.

If the situation is already complicated, it unfortunately risks getting even more complicated in the days to come. And for good reason, Karim (Samy Gharbi) is part of the police team responsible for catching the dealer.

Suffice it to say that Captain Saeed will have to choose between his work and his nephew during the next episodes of the TF1 daily soap opera.

“Rayane will go to the dark side of the force”

It is in the columns of the magazine Télé 7 jours published on newsstands this week that Samy Gharbi, the interpreter of Captain Saeed, spoke about this plot which promises to create tensions between the uncle and his nephew.

It has to do with Rayane’s father, who died, and who left her a letter containing revelations. Victim of a sort of psychological hostage-taking, he will go to the dark side of the force“, explains the actor.

As for whether Karim could compromise his career to protect his nephew, Samy Gharbi was rather reassuring. “Karim is a Good Samaritan on the side of justice. But when it concerns his family… It’s going to be complicated for him“.

Soon a love story for Karim?

Single since his separation from Anna (Maud Baecker), Karim has never found love again in Tomorrow Belongs to Us. While many viewers want to see the character again as a couple, Samy Gharbi sees things differently.

It was the debate with our collection director Nicolas Brossette, and the production. I told them: “Calm down”, because Karim has already had a lot of love stories. He was first with Lou, then with Anna for five years. He went through all the stages of a relationship: the deceptions, the questions…“.

The actor therefore suggested that we leave his character alone and that “we create, instead, something different: this strong bond with our nephew“.

Despite everything, Karim could well find love again during the next episodes of the TF1 daily soap opera. According to Samy Gharbi, ” there’s something in the pipes, and [ils] will soon put me back on the path of a pretty young lady… (laughs)“.

To discover the identity of the person who will succeed in winning the heart of Captain Saeed, you will now have to be patient. Tune in from Monday to Friday from 7:10 p.m. on TF1 for the rest of Tomorrow Belongs to Us.


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