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Booba attacks Damso after the release of “Chrome”

The new release from Damso titled “Chrome” makes people talk. His former mentor, Booba wasted no time in destroying him. Damso has just revealed “Chrome”, the first extract from his next album “I Lied”due out November 15, featuring collaborations with artists such as Kalash Criminal, Angèle, Michkavie, and Kalash.

Exclusive listening sessions are planned in several French cities, as well as in Brussels and Montreal, all of which are sold out in record time. The release of “Chrome” did not leave Booba indifferent. The rapper from 92, known for his direct barbs, was quick to react provocatively on social media. The Duke of Boulogne, after a first dig on instagramcontinued his attacks on Twitter, calling Damso a “fou” and of “imbalance” : The day I heard this piece I understood that it was really crazy and unbalanced and doomed to failure. @kirchhofficiel cried genius by comparing him to Gainsbourg… Shay warned me…” Booba even shared the lyrics of the song “Julien” by Damso, from the album Lithopédion released in 2018, to support its criticisms.

The tension between Booba and Damso is not new. It dates back to departure of Damso from the 92i label, founded by Booba. Since then, the two artists have continued to send barbs to each other through the media. This new altercation seems to rekindle the embers of a conflict that had been brewing for several years.



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