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Ludivine discusses her remuneration for Married at First Sight and the costs covered by production

Wednesday May 8, Ludivine answered the many questions asked by her subscribers about her adventure in the 8th season of Married at first sight. In complete transparency, she shared some rare information on her remuneration and the costs covered by the production of the program.

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During the 8th season of Married at first sight, Ludivine married Raphaël when they were just strangers. If the season is still broadcast on M6, the mother of a little girl nevertheless organized, Wednesday May 8, a small question-and-answer session with her Instagram subscribers. The opportunity for his most curious fans to ask him questions behind the scenes of the program. And in complete transparency, the main interested party was quick to share some juicy details.

Ludivine (Married at first sight) cash on his remuneration

Indeed, Ludivine agreed to answer the question of a subscriber who was curious to know if she was paid for her participation in Married at first sight. Straightforward, the one who married Raphaël during the program revealed an approximation of what she received for her participation. “We are paid at the hourly minimum wage rate in force for intermittent workers in the entertainment industry. Because a case law stipulated in the law, some time ago, that people making television programs must be paid in ‘compensation’ since they cannot exercise their own professional functions in their daily life“, she first contextualized. Before being more precise: “In total and for everything (all the filming, portraits, announcements, dress, wedding, assessment, ‘What happened to them?’ etc.) it is the equivalent of a Monthly minimum wage.

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Married at first sight : What costs are covered by production?

Still in the same Instagram story, Ludivine then provided some information on the costs which were covered by the production of Married at first sight. According to her, the journey of the bride and groom’s loved ones “is fully supported. Plane and hotel“.”They advance road costs (gasoline, tolls, parking, train) and [de restauration qui leur sont ensuite remboursés] under supporting documents“, she clarified. Obviously, and as she then indicated, these same costs are covered for the bride and groom in the program. “We advance travel and catering costs and they reimburse us for everything with supporting documents.“, she concluded.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Médias


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