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Should we watch the fiction with Sandrine Quétier broadcast this Thursday, May 2? Our opinion

Do you like Sandrine Quétier? That’s good ! France 3 invites you to spend your evening of Thursday May 2 in its company, in Murders in the Jura. Is this fiction from the successful collection worth a look? Our opinion.

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While TF1 is launching something new this Thursday, May 2 – Attractionpsychological thriller carried by Lannick Gautry – France 3 for its part is not taking any risks, and is rebroadcasting an issue of its successful collection Murders in… This time, direction Jura for an episode broadcast for the first time in February 2020 and which then attracted 4.46 million viewers, for 24.6% of the public present in front of their television screen, no less! At the casting, fans of the genre will find Sandrine Quétierthe former host of TF1, accompanied in particular by Christian Charmetantalias Daniel Ferrière in Host family.

Murders in the Jura: What is the fiction about with Sandrine Quétier broadcast this Thursday, May 2?

So head to the Jura for this investigation, and more particularly Moirans, where Anna Buisson (Sandrine Quétier, recently seen in Simon Coleman), gendarmerie captain in Moirans, investigated alongside Eymeric Massoni-Tournault (Pierre-Yves Bon), investigator from the Lyon research section, following the murder of a healer, Rose. His corpse, discovered at his home by the cleaning lady, was covered in white petals of datura, also called devil’s weed. The first investigations focus on a cold water diver, who had a meeting with the old lady on the afternoon of the crime… An investigation made all the more difficult as Eymeric is not only Rose’s grandson but he is also part of the enemy family of Anna’s. The collaboration therefore promises to be tense…

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Murders in the Jura: Should we watch the fiction with Sandrine Quétier broadcast this Thursday, May 2? Our opinion

Old resentments surrounding the construction of the local dam, suicide, staged death… The story lines of this Murders at… are not lacking and require a certain concentration! For her first main role in a fiction, that of a strong, independent policewoman attached to her region, Sandrine Quétier gives life to a convincing character and sparks. Without forgetting effective supporting roles, and, as always in this collection, breathtaking landscapes!


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