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Thomas Dutronc worried about his father Jacques Dutronc, following the death of his mother

During an interview for Galapublished this Thursday, September 26, 2024, Thomas Dutronc confides his concerns regarding the health of his father, the singer Jacques Dutronc.

It’s never too latethis is the name of Thomas Dutronc’s latest album released on September 13, 2024. Like Vincent Cassel, the performer of I like more is one of those stars who followed in their father’s footsteps. Son of the famous musician Jacques Dutronc as well as the singer Françoise Hardy, who died on June 11, 2024 from cancer, Thomas Dutronc began his solo career in 2007, with the release of his first album Like a gypsy without a guitar. Today, the grieving artist continues his career, even if his father’s health is beginning to worry him. Thomas Dutronc confided his concerns in the columns of the magazine Galaduring an interview, this Thursday, September 26, 2024.

The star, in mourning since the death of her mother, has released a new album

Before the death of actor Alain Delon in the middle of August 2024, the world of French culture had lost another of its great stars: Françoise Hardy. A disappearance that greatly upset her son, Thomas Dutronc. It was in this complicated context that the singer released a fourth album, taking advantage of his sleepless nights to create and record songs. Moments of nostalgia during which the artist thinks a lot about his mother. On Sunday, September 22, 2024, for the Sunday Journal, he explains: “My mother was my first fan“. Although he had a very close relationship with the singer, Thomas Dutronc is also very close to his father. This is the state of health of the singer of the famous title I like girls which worries him today.

Thomas Dutronc is worried about his father Jacques Dutronc’s health

Thomas Dutronc explains in his interview with Gala that the subject of the death of Françoise Hardy is still very sensitive: “It’s a Dutronc. He doesn’t say anything. We avoid the subject of my mother. We talk about other, more banal things. I’m not even sure he’s listened to my album. I have to send it to him.“. After the death of his mother, his father’s health seems to be a major concern for Thomas Dutronc. The star confides: “Sometimes I think to myself: ‘Fuck, if he leaves too…“. However, on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, during an interview for The Figarothe musician had already spoken about his father’s state of health and had been rather reassuring. The star who visits Jacques Dutronc once or twice a week had explained: “He doesn’t move around much when it’s hot, it’s bad for his heart. Otherwise, he’s fine.


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