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Nightclub violence: rapper Koba LaD sentenced to two years in prison

The French rapper was on trial this Wednesday for his involvement in a nightclub fight in 2022.

He was given a two-year prison sentence, one of which was suspended, during which he will wear an electronic tag.

In mid-September, the artist was charged with aggravated involuntary manslaughter following a fatal accident.

Koba LaD’s criminal record is getting worse. The Criminal Court sentenced the French rapper to two years in prison on Wednesday, one of which was suspended, for violence in a nightclub in the 9th arrondissement of Paris in November 2022. A sentence that will be modified in the form of wearing an electronic bracelet. The court also banned him from carrying a weapon for five years and imposed a sentence of ineligibility for three years.

Koba LaD, 24, whose real name is Marcel Junior Loutarila, was absent from the hearing. He has been in custody since mid-September following the accident that cost the life of stylist William Dogbey, 30. A case in which he was charged with aggravated involuntary manslaughter and aggravated involuntary injuries.

Already convicted after a hit and run in 2020

Under the influence of drugs, the artist who lives in Essonne was driving on the night of September 10 to 11 when his vehicle, a luxury sports sedan, arrived at full speed on an exit ramp of a gas station on the A86 motorway before hitting a parked heavy goods vehicle.

In a message posted on Instagram a few days after the tragedy, the companion of the singer Wejdene said: “devastated by the tragic loss” from his friend. “I think first and foremost every second of his family, his wife and his children, with whom I share the immense sadness and mourning“, he assured.

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    “Devastated by the loss of my friend”: indicted after a fatal accident, rapper Koba LaD breaks his silence

French rap star, with more than three million followers on Instagram, Koba LaD had already been sentenced in 2020 to three months of suspended prison sentence and 140 hours of community service for a car accident in . He fled after the incident, before reporting to the police three days later.



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