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3 months after the end of Françoise Hardy’s life, he encounters “big problems”

On June 11, Françoise Hardy died. Since then, Thomas Dutronc, her only son, has encountered some problems. Interview with the Journal du Dimanche, this September 22.

On June 11, Françoise Hardy passed away. The singer’s death caused great emotion. For more than three months, her son Thomas Dutronc has had to live without her, and with a certain amount of pain. While he acknowledged having to manage a heavy inheritance, in the columns of Figarothis time it’s at Sunday Journal that he agreed to deliver, on the occasion of his new album. And it is probably tired that the 51-year-old artist arrived since since the death of his mother, the son of Jacques Dutronc, sees his sleep somewhat disturbed.

Indeed, we learn from the first lines of the paper, this Sunday, September 22, that Thomas Dutronc did not sleep all night.Serious insomnia problems since his mother’s disappearance“, write our colleagues. If he is promoting this new and fourth album, It’s never too latehe has to live with the fact that Françoise Hardy will not have had time to listen to him.”My mother was my first fan, although unfortunately she didn’t have time to listen to my last album.shares Thomas Dutronc. But she preferred my melancholic side, with songs like Sézame or Aragon. On the rest, she could be very critical. For example, she hated Demain, even though it was one of my songs that worked best with the public. When I re-recorded it with my father, I warned him: ‘You know, it’s probably going to…

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