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Djebril finally announces his first single! All the info

Photo credits: Instagram / Romain Garcin

One by one, the young artists who were in the spotlight during the “Star Academy” 2023 are taking their first steps in music. Crowned big winner of the talent show, Pierre Garnier is already one step ahead since his first album “Chaque seconde” already has 93,000 sales thanks to the success of his hits “Ceux qu’on était” and “Nous on sait”, respectively certified diamond and gold singles. In his wake, Helena (“Summer Body”), Axel Marbeuf (“Pour la première fois”), Julien Lieb (“Encore une fois”), Margot Abate (“Le tour du monde”), Candice (“Fleurs fanées”), Victorien (“Embrasse-moi”) are trying to make a place for themselves in the sun, just like Lénie who has just released the two tracks “J’ai plus peur” and “Sans toi”. At the end of the “Star Ac”, we take a huge wave. There is our life that changes, the networks, the people around us, and the fans! Our lifestyle too. I am lucky to have a great team with me, who helped me a lot ” says the youngest of the adventure in an interview on Purecharts.

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“I consider myself a survivor”

Among the seven students who went on tour, only Djebril has not yet converted the test. Although he has already released the title “Le temps” in the past, with R&B sounds, the 23-year-old artist preferred to take some distance after this grueling experience. At the end of the “Star Academy” concert at the Accor Arena in , the singer shared his bittersweet feelings, denouncing the unequal treatment he experienced within the show. I am relieved to end this exhibition cycle and its share of discrimination, exclusion and unequal treatment. Not all artists are treated the same. (…) I am closing a chapter in which, week after week, I could grow in the kindness of my comrades, counterbalanced by an ambient climate that forced me to realize that “I was not in my place” ” he assured, without mincing words, in a long message published on Instagram, explaining that he felt ” neither respected as a person nor as an artist » : « I consider myself a survivor of the show, thanks to you and those around me, I was able to find the strength and courage not to give up. “.

And Djebril Slatni is now ready to assert his identity as an artist in his own right. The musician from has just emptied his entire Instagram account to signify the beginning of a new era with a first song. Its title? It promises sparks, since the single is called “Privilèges”. On the cover, explicit, Djebril appears with his face cut, with drops of blood beading on the ground. An intriguing way of announcing the color of this song whose release is scheduled for October 4. If the artist is for the moment refraining from saying more or revealing an excerpt (apart from a dark introduction on TikTok), he offers his subscribers two alternative covers. His fans are obviously overjoyed. What a man ” comments Julien Lieb, while Candice affirms that she will ” lose one’s temper ” faced with the news.” Killing in sight ” adds her former dance teacher Malika Benjelloun. As for Clara, she kindly emphasizes: ” The best for last “. Can’t wait!


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