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he reveals the reasons for his attachment to Corsica

Corsica, this island of beauty, charmed him years ago. Since then, Thomas Dutronc even has a pied-à-terre there. He talks to “Le Figaro” about why he is so attached to it.

This summer was marked by a tragic disappearance, that of his famous mother Françoise Hardy. Thomas Dutronc has since poured out his thoughts in the columns of Matchreturning to this woman so loved and so important to him, but also to his “companion“, to which he proclaims his love in a title of his latest album. The romantic confidences of the artist, son of Jacques Dutronc, are rare. And in his heart we find a place that he has much less difficulty in evoking: Corsica.

In Gala in 2023, he mentioned this pied-à-terre bought in Corsica about ten years ago, “because my girlfriend had a house there. By spending time there, I ended up settling in“, he specified. It is at Figaro that on September 14, he spoke again about Corsica and his connection with this precious island.I love spending Christmas here, confides Thomas Dutronc. But I like to come in the summer too. There are people, but I swim in a place where there is no one in the morning. It’s a bit like my land.

Thomas Dutronc on Corsica: “I feel attached to this place”

A love legacy. Indeed, few are those who ignore the unbreakable link between Jacques Dutronc and the Isle of Beauty. Settled for more than 50 years in Corsica, he lives in a house located in the village of Monticello, in Balagne. A residence surrounded by olive trees and visited by countless cats.I came for the first…

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