The Courgenay Fromagerie moved to new, modern premises in 2006. It is today one of the largest production sites in Switzerland, in terms of volumes: on average, around 5.7 million kilos of milk are processed. into nearly 550 tonnes of Gruyère annually. The cheese factory also stood out in 2024 for its production, like those of Develier and Reussilles. A gold medal, obtained with an average of 19.52 points out of 20, crowns the work of the Courgenay cheesemakers over five years.
Cheese made every day
This recognition, awarded by the Interprofession du Gruyère (IPG), was won under the direction of cheesemaker Gérald Raboud. He left last year to take over a cheese factory in Villarzel (VD), explains his replacement, Jean-Philippe Brahier, in office since last June.
The cheesemaker from Les Bois is not unknown in the sector, since he managed the Cœuve cheese factory, which produced Tête de Moine, those of Saignelégier and Noirmont. Before his arrival in Courgenay, he even tried his hand at making raclette in Valais, he says.