Santa sets fire to the Grand Studio RTL2 with “Recommence-moi” during his Very Very Private Concert

Santa sets fire to the Grand Studio RTL2 with “Recommence-moi” during his Very Very Private Concert
Santa sets fire to the Grand Studio RTL2 with “Recommence-moi” during his Very Very Private Concert

After a year 2024 marked by dazzling success and spectacular performances, Santa offered a memorable evening during his Very Very Private RTL2 Concert at the Grand Studio RTL2. In an atmosphere that was both cozy and electric, the artist enchanted a handful of lucky people and the listeners of the Pop-Rock station, confirming its unique place in the landscape of French song.

From the first notes of Sing the worldthe tone is set. Santa, resolutely “neo-variety”, envelops the public in his universe where poetry, energy and sincerity mingle. In the room, everyone perceives the authenticity of this artist who did everything herself: writing, composing, producing and even playing all the instruments on her first album. This sense of detail shines through on stage, where each song reveals a deeply personal dimension.

The high point of the concert comes with Start me againthe flagship title of his latest opus released in May 2024. Carried by a sensitive interpretation and a magnetic presence, Santa rocks the room with palpable emotion. The audience, hanging on their lips, takes up this piece like a true cry from the heart.

Between each piece, Santa shares anecdotes that shed light on his journey : his entry into the Enfoirés troupe, his aerial performance more than 40 meters high during a concert in July, or his strong link with Salted Popcornhis platinum single that started it all in his solo venture. His exchanges with the audience, punctuated with humor and tenderness, create a rare intimacy. When she intones The Differencethe alchemy is total: the public applauds, sings, and celebrates this artist who does not hesitate to shake up the codes.

The evening ends with Silverlake and, of course, Start me againreiterated as a prayer for infinite renewal. Sylvain Alexis salutes the performance and energy of the public and promises major events to come during the next Very Very Private Concerts in 2025

The concert setlist:

– Sing the world
– Eva
– Tears
– Salted popcorn
– Mash Up
– The Difference
– Silverlake
– Start me again

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