This Wednesday, December 4, Julien Doré was Nathalie Lévy's guest in As an aside on Canal+. The singer revealed how the arrival of his son changed his life.
On November 8, Julien Doré unveiled his sixth album entitled Impostor. In this disc, the singer covers 17 cult songs, including Mama's eyes by Kendji Girac, into which he included a voice message from his late mother. “I absolutely wanted to capture my mother's voice in a song because I don't have any images or videos of her“, he confided in an interview with Tele-Leisure. But before being an artist, Julien Doré is a family man. In March 2021, the former winner of New Star welcomed his first child, a little boy, whose first name he never revealed in order to preserve his identity. Guest of the show As an aside on Canal+ this Wednesday, December 4, the 42-year-old father explained how the birth of his son changed his daily life.
Julien Doré got rid of his obsession with order thanks to his son
Maniac to the point of having already vacuumed live on television, Julien Doré has had to learn to let go since the arrival of his son. “At home, are you in charge of your space? Are you in charge of the interior?”asked Nathalie Lévy. And the singer responds: “It's changed a lot. There was a time, yes. And then, a little boy, who is 3 and a half years old today, arrived.” Fulfilled by his role as a father, the interpreter of Cuddly Coco prefers to have fun with this situation. “I have my friend Brice, with whom I make all my clips, who is also the father of a little girl of the same age. We write to each other and send each other photos of our rooms which were our refuges with our objects. We say to ourselves: 'Look what we've become!' There is a trampoline in the middle of the living room. It no longer makes sense.”he said.
Julien Doré reveals the beautiful lesson he learned from his little boy
Julien Doré only draws positives from this situation. “It’s extremely liberating to have a moment where we let go of things that we thought were essential for us, for our structure, for our life, and which in fact simply served to mask our fears”confided the singer, whose greatest fear is an absent father for his son. “I'm too afraid of that (…) I wouldn't want there to be a distance. I would be terribly sorry if, through my absences to come and speak to you or through a failure to look or listen, I created a break”he declared in 50’Inside last November.
-As an asideto be found in full on the application myCANAL.