All the Celebrities Who Participated in the Burning Sun Chat and Their Contributions

The recent BBC documentary on the massive Burning Sun scandal has once again shone the spotlight on the affair. As ten celebrities have been named in the chatroom that was at the heart of the scandal, we bring you a recap of each of the named parties and their role. MBC published a list of names allegedly participating in the focus group.

Leading the group, Seungri was the boss and brains of the operation. Using his circle of friends, he planned major events and took care of important clients.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

Known as Seungri’s right-hand man, he was the most involved in the chatroom, except for Seungri. A police investigation revealed that he was guilty of distributing 11 illegal videos of women.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

At first he strongly denied his involvement, but changed his mind when documents from the chat room were published. Yong Jun Hyung claims to have never filmed anything himself, but to have been a simple spectator in the discussion forum.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

In addition to mocking women in the videos, Choi Jong Hoon was also accused of offering bribes to police to cover up the group’s crimes while being belatedly convicted of DUI. of intoxication. The police also found that he had posted obscene videos in the chat room.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

Roy Kim, whose case is one of the most complex, has denied his involvement in the scandal. Although he claimed not to have participated in the offending chat room, he admitted to sending an obscene photo to a group in 2016, including Jung Joon Young and Seungri. According to him, having simply seen the photo online, he wanted to share the information that the photo had been photoshopped.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

Although there is no indication that he himself filmed illegally, he was found to be a spectator in the group, making sexually harassing comments and treating women like objects.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

After being named as a suspect by police, Kang In denied any involvement in the case, saying he had participated in the chat room before the crimes were committed.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

His case is similar to that of Kang In.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

His case is similar to that of Kang In and Jung Jin Woon.

All the celebrities who participated in the burning sun chat and their contribution K-Selection

The latter claimed not to have been involved in this scandal, while admitting to having distributed an obscene photograph obtained on the Internet.

In addition to the 9 celebrities, there were also 2 Burning Sun club employees in this chat group who helped facilitate Seungri’s plans regarding the club.

And you? What do you think of this situation?



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