The Vars Attacks metal festival goes upscale for its 10th edition

The Alsatians of Mercyless have been touring since 1987.

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Du heavy. Even more than usual. This is what the Vars Attaks metal festival promises this Saturday, October 5 for its 10e edition in the village hall of Vars (1). “We want to mark the occasion,” says Frédéric Fredon, founder and organizer of the festival, which is moving up a gear this year by programming six groups instead of five and above all two great headliners. With the black death metal of ’s Otargos, dressed as warriors, “we have something tough, where it plays fast and well”.

Like the Alsatians of Mercyless, veterans of death metal, who started in 1987. “A cult group, the first to really make themselves known in ,” continues Frédéric Fredon, pointing out two heavyweights who tour major festivals in France and abroad. “We would never have been able to get them by paying the fees they are used to: they gave us a friendly price! »

“I had no difficulty bringing in our two heavyweights. On the contrary, they are delighted to come and play on small local stages like ours. »

The price of quality and good atmosphere for Vars Attacks. “I went to look for them but I had no difficulty getting them to come. On the contrary, they are delighted to come and play on small local stages like ours, where the atmosphere is friendly, says Frédéric Fredon, who will be on deck with 24 other volunteers on Saturday evening. A family association, we are a group of friends. It pleases. »

The four other groups, as is often the case, were all interested in playing at Vars Attacks. From the Rochelais of Corrupt, hard core metal version to Vayron, from Dordogne, fans of old-fashioned death metal, via the Angoumoisins of Hemlocks, fans of trash metal. “A little less violent than death metal, I actually played with some members of the group in the 1990s and 2000s,” admits Frédéric Fredon, drummer of the Angoumois punk rock group Late Again.

Affordable rates

A music enthusiast who is also innovating this year by programming electro rock as the opening act with the group Pork in regress, from . “Softer, atmospheric music, with a singer and a synth. It’s really good,” continues the boss of the Vars festival, helped by the town hall and private sponsors. However, it does not blow up its 2024 budget. “On the other hand, we will fully consume the €2,000 for this 10e edition. »

The editorial team advises you

Vars Attacks, a small but strong metal festival

Vars Attacks, a small but strong metal festival

In Vars, Frédéric Fredon and his team are leaving for the 9th edition of Vars Attacks this Saturday, September 2. A mini metal festival that is making its mark. And attracts big names of the genre, such as the Mormieben group.

Without increasing prices. “At the refreshment bar or in restaurants, almost everything is 2€. We just want to break even and offer a quality festival,” says Frédéric Fredon, who is not looking to grow. “It must remain a pleasure, a passion, not a business!” »

And it’s working more and more: there were 220 of them last year in the Vars village hall. “Our record, the number of entries has continued to increase,” rejoices the man who has seen the festival’s audience diversify over the ten years. It’s great to see young people rubbing shoulders with retirees and thirty-somethings who bring their children protected by helmets. For us, this is proof that the atmosphere is healthy. »

(1) This Saturday, October 5 at the Vars village hall, doors opening at 5:15 p.m., concerts from 6 p.m. Entrance: €15. Refreshment bar and fast food on site. Eight stands will be offered inside and outside (tattoos, labels, etc.).



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