Clara Luciani in tears while talking about Françoise Hardy

Clara Luciani in tears while talking about Françoise Hardy
Clara Luciani in tears while talking about Françoise Hardy

Clara Luciani confided in her precious bond with an icon of French song: Françoise Hardy. Invited by Léa Salamé on Inter, the artist shared her emotion by evoking the crucial role that the singer of “Mon amie la rose” played in her career. “I was extremely lucky, because she was, at one point, my fairy godmother,” she said, still amazed by this meeting with her childhood idol.

Their relationship began in an almost magical way. Even before the release of Clara Luciani’s first album, Françoise Hardy, seduced by the young singer’s music, had decided to support her. The singer, who died this year, had sent the album to influential journalists, notably from “Télérama”, with a clear message: “This has to work, it’s great!”

Clara Luciani, touched by this generous act, still remembers the impact it had on her confidence. “Even if it doesn’t work, who cares! I have Françoise Hardy who listened to me and liked my songs,” she repeated to herself, grateful to have received such support from the one she admired so much.

But their bond didn’t stop at music. Clara Luciani, a mother for a year, fondly remembers the last email Françoise Hardy sent her. She wrote: “It’s wonderful, Thomas has been the greatest joy of my life. PS: On the other hand, be prepared, you’re going to be worried all your life, and it’s not going to get any better when they grow up.”



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