Patricia Kaas “a little cold”? Details on her strong comeback after seven years of silence

Patricia Kaas “a little cold”? Details on her strong comeback after seven years of silence
Patricia Kaas “a little cold”? Details on her strong comeback after seven years of silence

After seven years of media silence, Patricia Kaas is back on the scene with a vengeance. Warm and full of energy, she pleasantly surprises by breaking the distant image that accompanied her until then…

After a prolonged absence of seven yearsPatricia Kaas makes her big comeback to the forefront by joining THE jury of the new season of The Voice in 2025. The singer, having taken the time to refocus on her personal life, ended up agreeing to return to the forefront of the stage.

A crush on Patricia Kaas

The 57-year-old singer, whose career began with the success of Miss sings the bluesreturns with new energy and a fresh look at his career and television. According to MatthewGrelierdirector of programs at ITV Studios , who spoke to GalaPatricia Kaas was an obvious choice for the show : “She’s legit, she’s a star, and her rarity creates desire. For us, she ticks all the boxes.” Their first meeting was marked by a crush on the artist, who accepted the proposal enthusiastically, despite his long absence from the media.

Discussions with Patricia Kaas revealed a personality of great humility and warmth, in contrast to the image of coldness often perceived. The program director remembers: “We had a real human crush on her. She was touched that we thought of her. We had before us…

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