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[Édito] Back to the Future IV: Biff Tannen has taken power!

It happened without warning. Barely enough time to bury this millennium punctuated with horrors, and life has already taken away an additional quarter of a century from us.

Everything is going too fast. I remember the kid I was at the dawn of the eighties. The Thirty Glorious, already dead, did not have a wrinkle. “L’an 2000”it was the future, the one that science fiction stories promised us. Captain Buck Rogers was expected to leave on a space mission in 1987. We knew, thanks to Cosmos 1999that the Moon would soon separate itself from the Earth. The future was within reach of dreams.

Soon we would all be dressed in pajama suits like the heroes of Star Trek. We would travel on aerial highways aboard flying shuttles. We would teleport to go drink orange juice on Mars. Diseases? Eradicated. Famine, unemployment? Golden robots, polyglot and friendly, would meet all our needs.

The past future is combined with the decomposed past

And then… From New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Eve, the year 2000 finally arrived. In the sky, not the shadow of a flying car: just a gaping hole in the ozone layer. Our hyperconnected society has abolished neither loneliness nor poverty.

Today, this past future is combined with the decomposed past. Reality is rooted in the dystopia of Green Sunthis 1973 film set in 2022, in a scorching New York where humans have exhausted almost all natural resources.


In , the deputies play a bad remake of the Parliament of Star Wars – in the hours preceding the establishment of the Empire. In Russia, the “reds” gave way to a new bellicose tsar.

And in the United States? Biff Tannen has taken over! Remember: in Back to the Future IIthe bad guy became billions rich. Misogynistic, violent, vulgar, he lives in a tower that bears his name, uses his money to influence policies and lets crime proliferate as long as it serves his interests.

The free world has just fallen to the dark side of farce. Wake me up, it’s a nightmare…


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