The Empire Strikes Back, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi… In the Star Wars universe, there are countless iconic characters, whether Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, the Sith, Chewbacca , or the little robot R2-D2. However, one of the characters who marked an entire generation is undoubtedly Yoda, this Jedi master of small size and green color with his long ears. Do you know who is behind Master Yoda? Whose face was used to create this strange little creature, so important to the story and adored by the general public? Discover in this article the famous man who inspired the character of Yoda.
If you didn’t know yet, Yoda’s face in the Star Wars saga is inspired by that of… Albert Einstein! Indeed, Stuart Freeborn, the main makeup artist for the films in the Star Wars universe, claims to have drawn his inspiration from the facial features of the famous physicist Albert Einstein. He explains that the famous scientist’s deep wrinkles, upper lip and eyes were integrated into Yoda’s face to symbolize wisdom and make the character appear intelligent. But that’s not all! Artist Stuart Freeborn also used his own facial features to create a completely unique look, brilliantly blending familiar features with more mysterious ones.
In the very first films of the Star Wars saga, George Lucas wanted to use a real monkey to play the character (…)
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