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could you be a Sith Lord?

A few weeks ago, we wanted to know if you were worthy of becoming a Jedieven to belong to the mythical Jedi Order of the universe Star Wars. Today, we reverse the question. With this personality test house, you will find out if you could be a Sith Lord worthy of Darth Maulor dark Vador.

a sith lord who intrigues in star wars: the sidekick

With the series The Acolyte, Star Wars is once again at the heart of the news. Each new episode of the Disney+ series unleashes passions, for good and bad, and is at the heart of many discussions on social networks. On Hitek, we regularly share news with you around the series, which was recently criticized because of a major inconsistency with the lore imagined by George Lucas.

Moreover, this is not the first time that The Acolyte made fans jump, episode 3 having angered a large part of them. But despite the criticism, series Star Wars met with some success, notably thanks to the mysterious Sith as terrifying as it is overpowering, and whose identity is still unknown at this time. Speaking of a Sith Lord, do you think you’d make a good one? Find out now with our personality test!

If your heart swings between the light and dark side of the Force, this other personality test will allow you to know if you would rather be a Jedi or a Sith in Star Wars !


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