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This documentary, dedicated to an extraordinary athlete, presented in preview in Cherbourg


Géraldine Lebourgeois

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 2:28 p.m.

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Documentary directed and produced by Urvillais Valentin Orange, “Sange Sherpa, A Life of Challenges” is presented in preview in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche) this Tuesday June 18, 2024.

There first screening took place in Besançon, where Sange Sherpa resides, with a great success (the Mégarama Beaux-Arts room, with 400 seats, was full) which promises a good life for this 52 minute film.

A man recognized throughout the world

It highlights the life of a man who, through courage, surpassing himself, and victoriesbecame a exceptional sportsman, recognized throughout the world.

Present at Barjo this weekend

He was also on the trails of La Hague this weekend of June 15 and 16, to participate in La Barjo, with Valentin Orange. Logically, since it is theultra trail who brought these two men together…

Even if it took perseverance and months of intense negotiations» to “convince him to venture into the North Cotentin », joked Valentin Orange when he announced the arrival of Sange Sherpa, his friend.

Videos: currently on Actu

A friend, a role model too, and an inspiration. The Urvillais, independent photographer and videographereven went as far as dedicating this documentary film to Sange Sherpa.

It will be presented in preview this Tuesday, June 18, at 8 p.m., at the CGR Cherbourg Odéon cinema, and will be followed by a time of discussion with the two runners and adventurers. The evening is organized with the help of the Cotentin tourist office and with the support of the Kailas brand (outdoor equipment manufacturer).

Born in the mountains of Nepal

Their first meeting date of February 2023during a race inThailandwhere they were both invited by the organization. “We spent the week together, we hit it off and quickly became friends. »

Sange Sherpa, 43 years old, family father , has a life that commands respect. A life told to Valentin Orange, who immediately wanted to make a film about it.

He was born in a village in the northeast of Nepal, very isolated, at an altitude of 2,000 meters. He comes from a large and very poor family. One day, he decided to leave for Kathmandu, the capital, with the little money he had. He became a porter in the Himalayas, where he learned French from tourists.

Valentine Orange

Being a carrier also allowed him to finance your studies during which he left for Francefor an internship at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Besançon.

An “unusual” life

“Sange is well known in the world of running and ultra-trail running for his extraordinary abilities, he is capable of run 400 kilometerswithout losing his breath, he was able to run ten ultra-trails in eleven weeks, or 100 to 170 kilometers each week, withvery good results , which no one has ever done! “, describes Valentin Orange who followed this incredible athlete for eight months, firstly on races, during the summer 2023 .

I was then on a personal project, until its equipment supplier, Kailas, decided to provide financing. We returned to Nepal, to his village and at altitude, for a month. We also went to Vietnam and Thailand.

Valentine Orange

The filming, which lasted from July 2023 to January 2024, brought together images and testimonialsof the life of Sange Sherpa, his daily and his multiple activities .

Valentin Orange spent two months editing. And the film is preparing, after the screening in Cherbourg, this Tuesday, to leave on tourInmany citiesof France.

“A life of challenges”, at the CGR Cherbourg Odéon cinema, this Tuesday June 18, 2024, at 8 p.m., in the presence of director Valentin Orange and Sange Sherpa. 51, rue du Maréchal, in Cherbourg-Octeville. Full price: €8.50, reduced: €6.80, under 16s; €5.50. Reservation before this Tuesday, June 18 with CGR.

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