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What if these famous films had been filmed in 1950?

You probably know “Harry Potter”, “Avatar” or “Dune”. A user asked an AI to imagine what these iconic films would look like if they had been made in the 1950s.

06/15/2024, 4:00 p.m.06/15/2024, 4:19 p.m.

More “Entertainment”

The advantage of artificial intelligence is that it can depict things that never happened. Everything then becomes possible, like imagining iconic films shot in the 1950s. This is what an account called “Abandoned Films” has fun doing on its Facebook and YouTube pages.

Blockbusters that you probably know, such asHarry Potter, Avatar Or Star Wars, thus take on a surprisingly vintage air. A fascinating journey through “films we can only dream of”, as its author sums it up. Selection.

The Lord of the Rings

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

The Lord of the Rings

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Harry Potter

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Harry Potter

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Star Wars

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Star Wars

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Pirates of the Caribbean

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Alice in Wonderland

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Alice in Wonderland

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

Game Of Thrones

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films

The Hobbit

Image: Facebook/Abandoned Films


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