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Deadpool & Wolverine Go on Stage to Tell Audiences to Turn Off Their Cell Phones at the Movies and It’s Hilarious

Culture news Deadpool & Wolverine Go on Stage to Tell Audiences to Turn Off Their Cell Phones at the Movies and It’s Hilarious

Published on 05/27/2024 at 11:20

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On July 24, fans of Marvel, Deadpool and Wolverine will finally be able to discover the new film bringing together these two legendary characters from the license. In the meantime, communication has started, and it works great.

The integration of Deadpool into the MCU: a long road

Appeared for the first time in the cinema in X-Men Origins: WolverineDeadpool was finally entitled to his own film in 2016 with Tim Miller as director. An anti-hero as violent as it is vulgar and funny, Deadpool was immediately adopted by fans, particularly because he was brilliantly played by Ryan Reynolds. The advantage of this character is to go against the grain of other main Marvel characters, often known for saving the widow and orphan without killing anyone. Wade Wilson kills, uses guns and blades. If he says he follows his own path, there always comes a moment when he puts on the hero’s costume despite himself.

In the cinema, Deadpool’s two adventures were crowned with success, generating respectively 783 and 743 million dollars. Disney wanted to integrate it into the MCU but the rights were held by 20th Century Fox. In 2019, the big-eared firm resolved this problem (and a bunch of others) by buying Fox. Quietly, Ryan Reynolds and MCU executives set the stage to welcome Deadpool. From 2021, the announcement is made, as always with a lot of humor. The big surprise is the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine ! The actor had not informed his agent, believing he could make the decision to return alone.

Wolverine and Deadpool don’t want to hear your smartphones

Titled Deadpool & Wolverine, and not Deadpool 3, the feature film has already been presented through several trailers and communication has been launched. At the moment, spectators in North American theaters can discover a somewhat special promotional spot. Rather than directly evoking the film, Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds, in their respective costumes and roles, filmed a video asking people to put their phones on silent.

We see Wolverine get angry very quickly, uttering various threats and beeped insults during Deadpool tries to calm things down. The tone is that of irreverent humor specific to the characters, but the success is there. This approach which was very well received by the public at the cinema, but also on social networks. For many, this way of communicating is very clever, when others ask that this message be presented to everyone at each session, even outside the context of communication around Deadpool & Wolverine. While we are used to hearing that Disney very closely controls what is said or done, Ryan Reynold declared that he was surprised and very happy with the freedom given by the company for this film:

I hope I don’t sound condescending, but I’m really proud of them for what they’ve done. I think it’s a big step forward for them. This adds a whole new color to this kaleidoscopic wheel that is this society and the different people it has always entertained. (…). I was surprised that they let us continue in “hard R” but I’m very grateful. There was no other way to do it.

Deadpool & Wolverine will arrive in French cinemas on July 24. Will he be able to revive public interest in an MCU which slowly but surely seems to be running out of steam? Response in less than two months.


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