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Nicolas Cage in serial killer mode in the trailer for the creepy LongLegs

The new trailer for Longlegs by Oz Perkins with Nicolas Cage and Maika Monroe has been revealed, and it promises some great scares.

While Nicolas Cage returns for the first time since 1990 to the Cannes Film Festival with The Surfer by Lorcan Finnegan, we are really starting to think that the American actor is entering a new stage of his career. After several difficult years during which he had to make B series of very average quality (or sometimes worse) for financial reasons, Cage finally seems to be finding his way back to success, and this is obviously not to displease us.

We recently learned that Nicolas Cage would return as Spider-Man in the Amazon spin-off series. Spider-Verse. And we also just got a new glimpse of Longlegsthe next horror film from Oz Perkins (February, Gretel and Hansel), in which he plays the role of the antagonist. The latest trailer has indeed been revealed, and it really makes you want it!

LOnglegs: distorted image, noise and fear

We had already noticed these fairly brutal changes in image formats in the first trailer for Longlegs, and we also find this choice of staging in this new trailer. Thanks to the general aesthetic and the different shots presented to us, it gives the various sequences this demonic, disturbing aspect and which works all the more with the use of sound. Noise becomes an important part of achieving Longlegsand we imagine that Perkins will also use it excessively to characterize his character as an evil killer.

Longlegs, it’s the story of Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), a young FBI recruit who is entrusted with an unsolved case about a serial killer (Nicolas Cage). His investigation will become more complex with the discovery of evidence concerning occultism. Lee even ends up understanding that she is directly linked to the killer, and will then do everything to stop him.

“Right now I’m surfing, and then I’m killing.”

Once again, we barely see Nicolas Cage in this trailer (even if we see him quickly, look closely), and It’s much more effective that way.. Concerning the production of the film, we know that Blair Underwood (Marvel: Agents of SHIELD, American Crime Story) and Alicia Witt (Twin Peaks, The Exorcist, Orange Is the New Black) will also be part of the cast.

Longlegs should arrive in American theaters on July 12, 2024, and therefore probably a little later for us in France. In any case, we can’t wait to see what Nicolas Cage can do as a serial killer, and if the actor will manage to maintain his current good momentum. To be continued.


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