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Crystal Trap: press pause at 2 hours and 2 minutes, and take a good look at Alan Rickman’s eyes – Cinema News

Return to the first part of the Die Hard saga broadcast this evening on M6, and to one of the last sequences of the film, in which we recommend that you carefully examine Alan Rickman’s expression.

Broadcast this evening on M6, Crystal Trap, the first part of the famous Die Hard saga, quickly established itself as a true must-have in action cinema when it was released in theaters 36 years ago today. An indestructible classic full of cult lines, John McClane’s first adventure in the cinema particularly left its mark on the spirits of the thrilling long-distance duel between its two main characters.

Led by Bruce Willis at the very beginning of his career and at the top of his form, Crystal Trap also benefits from one of the most striking antagonists of cinema, played by an impeccable Alan Rickman: the ruthless Hans Gruber.

At 2 hours, 2 minutes and 40 seconds

But in addition to the talent of his legendary performer and his excellent punchlines, an imperceptible little detail, hidden at the end of the film, makes the villain of Crystal Trap even more successful.

Indeed, if you ever plan to rediscover the classic John McTiernan this evening on TV, we recommend that you press “pause” at exactly 2 hours, 2 minutes and 40 seconds, that is to say at the end from the film, when Hans Gruber falls to his death from the top of Nakatomi Plaza.

20th century Fox

For once, there is no easter egg or specific reference to spot in this scene. However, we advise you to pay particular attention to the character’s eyes when he falls from the building in slow motion.

Alan Rickman was let go by surprise

Know that the expression of terror that we can read deep in his eyes is not simulated by Alan Rickman and that it is even perfectly authentic. We explain…

For the purposes of the scene, Rickman had to be dropped into the void from a height of 12 meters to land on an inflatable structure. A fairly frightening stunt that the actor only performed in one take. But in order to get the most sincere expression of surprise possible on his face, the director decided to release it at 2… instead of 3!

The eyes of Hans Gruber falling from the skyscraper at the end of Crystal Trap are therefore truly those of a man falling into a void.

(Re)discover all the hidden details of the film…


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