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“The more the film is unsuccessful, the funnier it is”, the nanar makes his cinema

The nanars are the pearls of the seventh art, the rough notebooks of cinema. Funny and ridiculous in spite of themselves, they become endearing and cult, even if it is not for the right reasons.


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Clément Seigneuret, president of the association Nanani-Nananard, created in 2018, is the guest of the show “You are great”this Thursday, October 3.

It all started with watching bad films and evenings of fun with friends. A contagious pleasure that they chose to share with as many people as possible, to laugh and have fun together.

The question often remains unanswered: the eyes widen, the mouth pouts.

Did you say Nanar? But what exactly is it?

When Clément shares his definition: “A film that starts out with good intentions, but which, due to lack of budget or talent, just becomes hilarious to watch because it’s so bad”the blur dissipates, images resurface, and other synonyms for nanar, less poetic, naturally follow.

Oh yes, the nanar! Of course, everyone has seen at least one!

duration of video: 00h01mn07s

Clément Seigneuret, Nanani-Nananard association

©France televisions

The public screenings began with “Death trap in Hawaii”a 1987 American thriller film directed by Andy Sidaris.

At the end of the 70s and especially in the 80s, nanars were collected by the shovel, like autumn leaves. Clumsy homages or thinly veiled plagiarism, these films are so full of flaws that they become cult.

No doubt they would have preferred to escape this notoriety, but at least they did not fall into sidereal oblivion. So even if you hit rock bottom, you can still make an impression.

The Nanani-Nananard association has found its audience and is making its cinema: “In the open air, in bars, in cultural places or in a museum, wherever is willing to welcome us.”

A pleasure to enjoy together, because laughter is contagious and generous. Watching nanars is an experience that goes off the beaten track: noisy and lively, it is nourished by exchanges, laughter, comments and lame replies which resonate among the spectators.

Sometimes, a “UFO” who hasn’t understood the concept of the evening gets lost in Nanarland and finds the film particularly bad. However, once the principle is explained, it stays, mixes with the ambient good humor and fully enjoys the experience.

As bad as it looks, the best nanar ticks all the boxes: shaky script, bad actors, French dubbing, nothing works and that’s a good thing!

A big crush on “Attack of the Killer Donuts” by Scott Wheeler, released on November 17, 2017 in the United States. Imagine that a scientific incident turns innocent donuts into bloodthirsty killers. You still had to think about it! The scenes shot are just like the scenario, if not more confusing

A concise and effective definition: nanar makes you laugh, turnip bores.

The members of the association do not always agree when it comes to classifying a film. Nanar, turnip, or none of that? Tastes vary from person to person, and appreciation is personal.

Looking for a bad film and a good nanar to spend an evening of fun? Visit the Nanani-Nananard website and Facebook page, as well as the website for bad, friendly films: Nanarland.

Flea markets, garage sales, exchange networks and second-hand sales offer a veritable pool of nanars to unearth, perfect for enriching the list of nuggets.nanardesque”.

In recent years, far fewer films can be classified in the nanar category, but with time, hindsight and evolving sensibilities, some might well have their chance!

If entry into this classification is, a priori, involuntary, today, certain producers use it to gain access. So, when will there be a Cesar du Nanar?

Find Clément Seigneuret, in the show “You are wonderful”, this Thursday, October 3 at 10:35 a.m. and in replay on

The other guests of the week will also be on set every day from 10:35 a.m. on France 3 Centre-Val de .

  • Monday September 30: Quentin Vénier, co-founder of the DIFFA restaurant in ,
  • Tuesday October 1: Adrien Lelièvre, founder of Pi-Pop. Electric-assisted bicycle without battery and made in France.
  • Wednesday October 2: David Roquain, technical and sports manager of the Union Pétanque Argonnaise
  • Friday October 4: The best moments of the week

Cuisine, nature, sport, culture, themes represented by guests from our regional territory. “You are wonderful” to watch again, in replay on the website


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