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“Greedy and lazy” Sylvester Stallone did not take Bruce Willis back for the sequel of this action saga: he did not digest the actor’s request

Culture news “Greedy and lazy” Sylvester Stallone did not take Bruce Willis back for the sequel of this action saga: he did not digest the actor’s request

Published on 09/26/2024 at 6:40 p.m.

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After the first two installments of the Expendables franchise, it was only natural to see Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis back for a third film. However, the Die Hard star didn’t get the chance to participate.

Social media score settling

Until 2014, the relationship between Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis was going strong. Friends in life and at work, the two actors were promised to play together in the third installment of Expendables. However, a disagreement will change everything. It concerns the salary of the two actors. For 4 days of work, they were paid no less than 3 million dollars. However, Bruce Willis will ask for a million more than his compatriot.

Willis’ request will shock Stallone who will rush to communicate on his social networks. “Greedy and lazy… A sure formula for career failure”the actor-screenwriter had published on X (formerly Twitter) in August 2013. This message will be followed by another press release to announce the departure of Bruce Willis and the recruitment of another actor for the third part.

A more expensive replacement than expected

When Sylvester Stallone announced that he was parting ways with his friend, he had a few names in mind to replace him. He then turned to another big name in American cinema, Harrison Ford. He quickly realized that the salary paid to the latter was much higher than the one refused to Bruce Willis. Ford received $6.9 million for his role in Expendables 3.

But the large sum spent on the actor’s salary will contrast with the film’s release at the global box office. It does not convince the spectators and will generate only 214 million dollars in revenue worldwide. A disappointment for the franchise which had collected 274 and 314 million dollars in revenue from Expendables 1 and 2 respectively. Expen4dbles, the fourth installment in the saga, will be released in 2023. At the global box office, it will only bring in $51 million in revenue worldwide. A failure that would almost make us forget the disappointment of the previous film.


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