Snow White, Cinderella or Mulan, the health risks of Disney princesses

Although the disney princesses They seem to live happily ever after, the truth is that if they lived in the real world they could face serious health problems, according to experts in the Christmas edition of The BMJ.

In the article, Sanne van Dijk and his colleagues explain that until now, research has focused on the effects of movies on the health of spectators and it is beginning to be important to explore the health risks of the princesses themselves. In a study they analyze Snow White’s loneliness or exposure to snow dust. Cinderella or Rapunzel’s hair-pulling and call on Disney to consider strategies such as mindfulness and personal protection measures to improve the princesses’ well-being and help them begin living healthy lives forever.

snow white

Snow White is the “fairest princess of all,” but as a servant to her evil stepmother, opportunities for social interaction are extremely limited, putting her at risk of suffering. cardiovascular diseases, depressionanxiety and premature death, the authors explain.

Fortunately, Snow White meets the seven dwarfs, who protect her from the dangers of loneliness, but then she eats a poisoned applehighlighting that, for Snow White, the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” fails miserably.


The princess Jasmine de Aladdin You also run the risk of suffering the effects of soledad in his health, as he grows within the walls of his palace without any friends, the authors point out. Meanwhile, his pet tiger Rajah not only poses a risk of zoonotic infectionbut her natural instincts could lead her to a dangerous and potentially fatal situation.


In Beauty and the Beast, close contact with the Beast also exposes Belle to many life-threatening infectious diseases, such as brucellosis or rabies.

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Cinderella’s continued exposure to dust puts her at risk of developing a lung disease occupational disease, which is aggravated when the fairy godmother spreads massive amounts of magical glitter (also known as aluminum-coated microplastics) that can penetrate human lung tissue, the authors explain. Instead of a prince, they suggest that Cinderella needs constant respiratory therapy to live happily ever after.


In his quest to achieve peace between the Native Americans and the English settlers, the jump Pocahontas from a cliff with his hand on his head has an impressive time nine second drop. But with an estimated cliff height of 252 m, the authors warn that such a jump would leave Pocahontas with “a symphony of fractures rather than a harmonious melody with nature.”

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In Sleeping BeautyPrincess Aurora’s “infinite sleep” carries risks of cardiovascular disease, accidents cerebrovascularobesity and diabetes, while prolonged bed rest is linked to an increased risk of pressure ulcers and muscle atrophy. Fortunately, Prince Philip almost immediately breaks the dream spell by kissing Aurora, although the authors note that he also breaks current social norms by failure to obtain consent of the princess


Although Mulan Celebrated as a warrior who saves the Chinese empire, she repeatedly suffers pressure from her family to defend her honor. Women who suffer honor based violence They may suffer higher levels of mental health problems as they are forced to live a life they did not choose, the authors note.


Finally, the authors caution that the hair follicles of Rapunzel have been damaged by excessive and repetitive pulling on their long braid, a condition known as traction alopeciawhich can cause scalp pain, headaches, and permanent hair loss.

“Disney should consider interventions to overcome these health challenges, including mindfulness and psychotherapy, training on living with animals, and personal protection measures against infectious agents and toxic particles,” they write. “Only then can Disney princesses begin to live healthily forever.”



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