The top 3 “new classics” of Quebec cinema identified by The Press seems to match that of many readers. Indeed, several of you took to the keyboard to praise CRAZY, Fires et Mommybut also other films which were favored by our panel. Because a list of 25 notable films alone cannot summarize a quarter of a century, here are some titles that you would have added to our canon.
Published at 9:00 a.m.
I believe that all Quebec movie buffs will agree with your top 3. These are films that stay in our minds for days after watching them. Three directors of great genius. However, a film that I really liked is missing from your list. This is the movie The dismantling [de Sébastien Pilote]. I was moved by Gabriel Arcand’s poignant performance. The scenario also touched me a lot, because it is a very present reality in the various regions of Quebec.
Viviane Denis-Ducharme
I’m surprised no expert has picked up It was raining birds. It seems to me that this film embodies the category of new classic. There are breathtaking performances, an evocative setting, but above all a super powerful narrative. To see and see again!
Gabriel Plante
Note: Some experts have included It was raining birds in their top 10but Louise Archambault’s excellent film did not obtain the necessary score to be included in our top 25.
West Polytechnic ? The issue of feminicide remains a very current theme. West February 15, 1839 ? Very few films on Quebec history or politics. West Dédé through the mists ? No biographical or musical films. West Biological clock ? Have the last 25 years been so depressing?
Eric Daoust
-For me it is C.R.A.Z.Y. by Jean-Marc Vallée… But above all, Polytechnic by Denis Villeneuve. For having agreed to make it and having done it with a human and sensitive touch, for me, Villeneuve will always be one of the greatest.
Annie de Broeck
I’m disappointed not to see The twentieth century by Matthew Rankin to be on the list. It is a remarkable film, of great originality. I haven’t seen Rankin’s latest film, A universal languagebut, given its reception at Cannes and Toronto, it may still be a great film.
Guy Archambault
But where is Viking ? An original screenplay, fine humor, grandiose images, actors at the top of their game, frankly, this film contains everything a movie buff could want!
Natalie Clairoux
I believe that The seller by Sébastien Pilote would have deserved to be part of this list. Perhaps Gilbert Sicotte’s greatest role, which is saying something considering the career of this immense actor. From the same director, I would also remember his Maria Chapdelaine (I don’t think winter was better represented than in these two films) and The dismantlinganother great role for an equally exceptional actor (Gabriel Arcand).
André Roy