in a documentary, a worker recounts her life in the factory

in a documentary, a worker recounts her life in the factory
in a documentary, a worker recounts her life in the factory

Like every year, the Quatro participated in Month of the Doc in November, with a rich and eclectic program intended to satisfy as many people as possible.

“I’m trying to understand my heritage”

Saturday November 30, 2024, it was a documentary that sounded the end of this cultural month. Appointed It’s like thisthis documentary film was directed by Sarah Bellanger: Behind my camera, I portrayed Marie-Jo, my grandmother. Formerly a textile worker, she replays her first day at the factory: the discovery of timekeepers, assembly line work, the pressure of productivity. Today, the factory has been demolished and taken away in its destruction all the writings and photographs of the workers. Over time, Marie-Jo’s story is become a “ non-subject”, including at home. I try to understand my heritage by filming my family. By reconstructing this erased history, I watch around me for the traces of a working world transformed today. ».

Many spectators appreciated the broadcast of this film, and even more the meeting with Marie-Jo, the heroine of the documentary, accompanied by her son, Marc, who came specially from the region. At the end of the broadcast, Marie-Jo responded very kindly to the questions asked by the public. My granddaughter is very close to me. I agreed to make this film for her. She started it in 2020, and finished in 2023. .

Until January 2, It’s like this, in replay on .



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