The cinema documentary “Rupestres”, signed by Narbonnais Marc Azéma, is about to be released. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to help finalize it.
In the premises of the production company Passé simple, in Narbonne, Marc Azéma, director, prehistorian, archaeologist (director of the Rencontres d’archéologie de la Narbonnaise in particular), art lover and comic book buff, is in his little shoes. He is preparing the completion of a 90-minute documentary film called “Rupestres” which will be presented in preview at the Angoulême comics festival at the end of January 2025. Then will be released in arthouses in FEBRUARY.
This cinema film will allow the viewer to immerse themselves in a unique artistic experience of its kind: for 10 days in fact, 7 masters of comics, Étienne Davodeau, Emmanuel Guibert, Edmond Baudoin, David Prudhomme, Troubs, Pascal Rabaté and Chloé Cruchaudet decorated the walls of a cave in the Lot… in resonance across the millennia with their prehistoric artist ancestors! Understand that these artists, who all have their specific universe in the world of comics, painted as prehistoric men would have done. “Picasso and Soulage dreamed of it, the Rupestres, this group of artists created 10 years ago, did it!,” welcomes Marc Azéma who made the film. And participated, with an introductory text, in the graphic novel “Pigments” (published by Futuropolis) where the 7 designers explain their experience.
-A participatory prize pool
To help finance the post-production of the film and its distribution in cinemas, in France and then abroad, Passé simple has launched a 2025 crowdfunding campaign. Among the rewards offered: your name in the credits, the edition of a DVD, a VIP visit to a prehistoric cave with director and artists… and many other things. Everyone can participate at their convenience at
“Please note, explains Marc Azéma, that the release of the film coincides with the 30e anniversary of the discovery of the Chauvet cave “which symbolizes the origins of art and where I worked for 15 years.”