Indiana Jones: freeze the frame at 1 hour and 6 minutes in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and look at these hieroglyphs – Cinema News

Indiana Jones: freeze the frame at 1 hour and 6 minutes in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and look at these hieroglyphs – Cinema News
Indiana Jones: freeze the frame at 1 hour and 6 minutes in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and look at these hieroglyphs – Cinema News

A look back at a hidden detail well known to fans in the first part of the famous saga directed by Steven Spielberg.

A cameo from Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at the start of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, a dog like no other in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the return of the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, or even a double nod to the Star Wars saga hidden on the cabin of a seaplane…

Press pause on the first pane…

Since he arrived at the cinema for the very first time in 1981, the famous archaeologist played by Harrison Ford has sprinkled his adventures with numerous treasures for the attention of spectators who, like him, have the soul of an explorer.

Notably punctuated by frequent references to the distant galaxy of George Lucas – and for good reason, the latter also being the screenwriter of Indiana Jones – the famous saga went so far as to make the two droids R2-D2 and C-3PO appear in in the middle of an ancient Egyptian city, in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Lucasfilm Ltd.

…at 1 hour, 6 minutes and 14 seconds

Indeed, by rediscovering the feature film, if you press pause at exactly 1 hour, 6 minutes and 14 seconds, at the moment when Indy and Sallah enter the city of Tanis to look for the Ark of the Covenant, you will be able to notice the presence of quite unusual hieroglyphs on a pillar, just to the left of the adventurer.

If you look a little closer, you will realize that the ideograms undoubtedly represent the famous astromech and the protocol droid who accompanied Luke Skywalker to the cinema in A New Hope as well as in The Empire Strikes Back, released just a year before Raiders of the Lost Ark.

How did the two Star Wars characters manage to find themselves engraved on a wall in ancient Egypt, on the other hand, we will be content with a few theories to answer this question.

(Re)discover all the hidden details in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”…



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