you join the Avengers if you name these 5 Marvel characters

Published on
May 23, 2024

4:00 p.m.
By Romain Cheyron

Have you always dreamed of joining the Avengers? With this quiz, all you have to do is name five characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and find out if you are worthy of being alongside Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man or Hulk !

What is this character’s name?

©Marvel Studios

This is Sprite, from the movie The Eternals.

What is this character’s name?

©Marvel Studios

It’s Namora! A character from the film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

What is this character’s name?

©Marvel Studios

©Marvel Studios

It’s obviously dear Korg.

What is this character’s name?

©Marvel Studios

©Marvel Studios

It’s Brock Rumlow AKA Crossbones!

What is this character’s name?

©Marvel Studios

©Marvel Studios

It’s Ned! Peter Parker’s best friend.

You’re joining the Avengers!

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]You're joining the Avengers!

Well done, you easily recognized the 5 MCU characters, you are now a member of the Avengers. It’s up to you to prove that you are worthy of being part of this group of superheroes!

Continue your momentum with these other quizzes on the Marvel universe!

You’re not joining the Avengers…

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]You're not joining the Avengers...

Unfortunately, you don’t join the Avengers… You haven’t found enough characters to be able to join the Marvel superheroes.

Continue your momentum with these other quizzes on the Marvel universe!

Start the quiz again

type="image/webp">Romain Cheyron

Romain Cheyron

Journalist – News department manager

Contact Romain


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