“I lost a child at birth”: Lucien Jean-Baptiste looks back on the tragedy that changed his life (VIDEO)

“I lost a child at birth”: Lucien Jean-Baptiste looks back on the tragedy that changed his life (VIDEO)
“I lost a child at birth”: Lucien Jean-Baptiste looks back on the tragedy that changed his life (VIDEO)

What do we do now?this is the title of the new film by Lucien Jean-Baptiste. The synopsis: Suddenly made redundant at the age of 58, Alain decides to start his own company to prove himself and the world that he has not become useless. Embarking on his improbable project Véronique, his former colleague stuck for years in depression, and Jean-Pierre Savarin, a game show host on the comeback, he tackles the sector that he thinks will be the most promising: childcare. of children.

Lucien Jean-Baptiste talks about the death of his daughter at birth

Saturday September 28, the director was the guest of Léa Salamé in What an era! on 2. He returned to the tragedy of his life which encouraged him to enter the cinema industry. “I lost a child at birth at the age of 30.“, he confided. “From 20 to 30 years old, I wanted to do business, I wanted to make money – there’s that in this film too – and at 30, faced with a tragedy like that, you say to yourself: ‘What do we do now? ?’. And I decided to pursue a passion. I didn’t think that would bring me in front of you today“, related the one to whom we owe the films First star et Thank God! .

And to continue the parallel with his new comedy: “That’s also what this film is about, I want to invite all people – I don’t like the notion “live your dreams” – it’s just the first small step to hope, to believing in yourself. Our pleasures are our powers, I went after a childhood dream and this childhood dream brought me wonderful things even though I was neither chasing money nor after success”. A poignant testimony from the director.



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